* Welcome to the 15th episode of the Boss Girl Creative Podcast!! Today I’m interviewing Stephanie Buckley, aka The Park Wife.

* This episode was created sitting on the floor in a hotel room in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
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* Overcoming Obstacles
* Picking the Best Opportunities
* Looking Back
* Easiest and Hardest Moments
* Encountering Fear in Business
* Keeping Balance
* Blowing it as a Boss Girl
* Look into the Future
* Admiring WomenQUOTES BY TAYLOR
“You really have to have, A) You probably have to have a thick skin and you have to have the ability to know that tomorrow is another day and that you get to try all over again.” Taylor Bradford
“Everything has changed over these past ten years and as far as obstacles just keeping up with how fast everything is changing and also, not only in just the business and tech world, but also in your personal world.” Stephanie Buckley
“One thing I have always done is never compromise my integrity. So if something came along and I didn’t feel it was right with who I am and if it wasn’t worth the time away from my family I said no. And I think because of that I have a great world of people that feed me and encourage me and I try to do the same for them.” Stephanie Buckley
“I was just trying to find other people to hang out with. I couldn’t imagine that we would have communities in eight states and amazing women lifting each other up and helping each other become better women and bloggers and social media influencers.” Stephanie Buckley
“The easiest for me because it’s one of my giftings is community building and I think that the hardest is probably when it kind of exploded for me as a business to transition to owning a business, being a business owner and having people that relied on me and I relied on them and sometimes that’s a little dance.” Stephanie Buckley
“You can tango or you can slow dance but at the end of the day you have to just be happy with the person you chose to dance with.” Stephanie Buckley
“I surround myself with like women. I have never with the state communities ever went to a state and sought someone to build a community because I think it takes a special gift to build a community. And I’ve just been blessed that those people have just come into my life and the ones that have been there like you [Taylor], who have been there from the beginning of Texas Women Bloggers came along, and you have been there that whole time and I have that in several of my states of just champions for what we want to do and all I do is a business now but it doesn’t work without community.” Stephanie Buckley
“It takes a lot of work to build a community and the rewards are great but sometimes people don’t understand the work that goes into building a community.” Stephanie Buckley
“If I blow it I just laugh at it, say ‘sweet mercy’ and move on because there is only so much you can do you know it’s not the end of the world. Tomorrow will come, my husband will still love me, my kids will still be there and if I blew something in my business you know we all pick ourselves up and tomorrow’s another day.” Stephanie Buckley
“You always hear ‘go be amazing’ and I always laugh at that because you know you can’t always be amazing, but you can be you. And so don’t put on an act and try to be amazing all the time because that’s not the true you, that’s not who I want to know, I want to know who you are. So go out there and be honest and true and do good work that means something to you and help others and be a blessing on them.” Stephanie Buckley
The Women Bloggers, LLC
Arkansas Women Bloggers
Arkansas Women Bloggers University Conference
Texas Women Bloggers
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Hot Springs, Arkansas
Mountain Valley Spring Water
Arlington Hotel
Ree Drummond
Alli Worthington
Taste Arkansas
Only in Ark
Dr. Pepper
Texas Women Bloggers
Alabama Women Bloggers
Missouri Women Bloggers
Fayetteville, Arkansas
Sandy Coughlin
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Blog – The Park Wife
Twitter – @theparkwife
Facebook – TheParkWife
Pinterest – @theparkwife
The Women Bloggers, LLC –
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