* Welcome to the 18th episode of the Boss Girl Creative Podcast!! Today I’m interviewing Helene Sula!

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* Growing your voice
* Being authentic
* Creative Spark
* Launching a product
* You are worth it
* There’s room for everyoneQUOTES BY TAYLOR
“It’s just not rainbows and roses all the time. And I think the more authentic you can be on your blog and your social media platforms, that’s what drives readers to keep coming back.” Taylor Bradford”Because you are worth so much more!” Taylor Bradford
“I think once you have that creative spark or something, that you know you can carve out your own little space and make it awesome. And truly make it what you want it to be. You may not know exactly the details, but you know that there is a huge possibility.” Taylor Bradford
“I think if you are not constantly trying to learn, then I think you are doing a disservice to your own brand and to your own business.” Taylor Bradford
“I think it’s important to learn from the mistakes [fusion_builder_container hundred_percent=”yes” overflow=”visible”][fusion_builder_row][fusion_builder_column type=”1_1″ background_position=”left top” background_color=”” border_size=”” border_color=”” border_style=”solid” spacing=”yes” background_image=”” background_repeat=”no-repeat” padding=”” margin_top=”0px” margin_bottom=”0px” class=”” id=”” animation_type=”” animation_speed=”0.3″ animation_direction=”left” hide_on_mobile=”no” center_content=”no” min_height=”none”][made in blogging/business].” Taylor Bradford
“If you have the heart and the drive and the passion, I think you really can do anything you set your mind to doing.” Taylor Bradford
“Finding my blogging voice has always been very difficult. You hear so much conflicting information out there. So many bloggers and businesses are telling you to do it one way: to find your niche and stick with that. But that’s not necessarily the right way to go about it.” Helene Sula
“I wanted to carve out my own blogging voice. One that is going to be for every blogger. Anyone can read me.” Helene Sula
“I think when you are authentic, people will see that. And they want to continue to read and work with you.” Helene Sula
“You have to put yourself in your readers, your audience’s shoes. And think about “okay, if I’m reading this from their perspective, is this something they want to read? Does this sound like something that’s coming from my voice?” Helene Sula
“Your blog is your brand.” Helene Sula
“I like to ask myself, whenever I’m posting, whether it’s a sponsored post or not, why would my audience care? And if the answer is they don’t? Then I’m not going to post about it.” Helene Sula
“My journey has kind of been different because early on, I was very obsessed with my blog. Because it was my creative outlet when I was stuck inside by myself all day, every day for months. Because I had this broken ankle and leg [from a rock climbing accident] and it was just a great way for me to get to express myself.” Helene Sula
“I realized that blogging is something that has really changed the game on how we get our news, how we get our sports, everything. Everything you we can find online, you can find with blogs. And you can find someone else’s perspective.” Helene Sula
“Sometimes you just have to go for it. And really try to figure out, can this work for me?” Helene Sula
“The more I can learn, the more fear that goes away.” Helene Sula
“Don’t put all of your social media eggs in one basket.” Helene Sula
“I think the more mistakes you make, it’s okay. As long as you can learn from those and grow from those. The better you end up being: the better blogger, the better entrepreneur, the better Boss Girl you end up being.” Helene Sula
“The main thing you have to think about – you are worth it. Your blog, your business has worth. And it deserves everything you put into it. You deserve to be paid for your work. You deserve to get recognition for your work. You are spending so much time and effort imparting your knowledge for free to others. You deserve the attention and the paid opportunities. It’s not a bad thing to take paid opportunities. Because you are worth it.” Helene Sula
“There is so much opportunity and room for everyone. We all are bloggers. We are all entrepreneurs. And there is room for everyone. Really, there is.” Helene Sula
*Links below may contain Affiliate Links. Purchasing through them help support Boss Girl Creative.*
Fearless Launching
Texas Women Bloggers
Sara – Venus Trapped in Mars
Taylor – The Daily Tay
Brooke Saward – World of Wanderlust
Blog –
Instagram – @taybradfordblog
Facebook – taybradfordblog
Pinterest – taybradfordblog
Twitter – @taybradfordblog
Blog – Helene in Between
Facebook – HeleneInBetween
Twitter – @heleneinbetween
Instagram – @heleneinbetween
E-Course – Quit Your Job to Blog
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